- Wear loose, comfortable clothing that BREATHES. You WILL work up a sweat. If you want to start off with a jacket or sweatshirt, that's okay, but be prepared to get HOT!!

- Wear PROPER SHOES --- cross training shoes, aerobic dance shoes, dance sneakers (the ones with the round pivot point on the ball of your foot) are good. DO NOT wear running shoes, as they have treads that are too deep and grip the floor too much, risking knee injury. Even if you have old sneakers with well-worn treads, choose those over running shoes.

- Drink PLENTY OF WATER before, during and after class. Hydration is very important!!!

- Don't get too worried about the dancing. You don't need to be a dancer to take Zumba. If you love music, I think this is for you. We are not judging your salsa skills! We are all at different levels & we are all coming together to have a good time.

- Do not get frustrated that you are not getting the steps right away. Again, this is NOT a dance class. Hearing the music, seeing the steps repeated and just jumping in is great for you to start getting better. You will surprise yourself one day. Get the music into your body and just have FUN!!!! Zumba is all about having FUN while getting FIT!!! There are NO MISTAKES in Zumba!!! As long as you're BREATHING, as long as you're MOVING, as long as you're HAVING FUN, you're doing Zumba correctly!!! One of the things that's so great about Zumba is that you can do your own thing - you don't have to copy me, I'm only an option. Move the way you want to the music - remember: Zumba is like a dance party and exercise in disguise!

- Go at your own rate. Listen to your body. If you feel tired or out of breath, slow down. Don't use your arms or take it down a notch. Your body needs to build up endurance and strength, don't think you can do it all right away. WORK AT YOUR OWN PACE. Do not try to move like anyone else. Do what's comfortable for you. You can modify any exercise to your personal comfort level. If you can't perform a certain move, march in place - it's a CARDIO workout so keep that heart rate going. DO NOT STAND STILL. Since Zumba is a cardio workout, you want to keep moving the entire time. For example, if there is a break, please lightly march in place. [Don't worry - at the end of class, we will cool down and stretch.]

- POSTURE IS VERY IMPORTANT. First of all for safety from injuries. Secondly, because if you have good posture, you work your body better. You will especially feel it in your abdomen. Think of good posture constantly and it will become second nature. Walking, sitting, playing on the computer...... pay attention to posture. It's like a continued exercise, plus good for preventing future problems.